Duben-Kaktus.cz – cactus, succulent plant, succulent bonsai
Welcome to the website of a family firm Duben – Kaktus.
Our family is growing cacti and succulent bonsai for couple of decades already. Miloš Duben starts to collect cactuses in 1964. He devoted himself to this hobby and after some time he placed the cactuses and succulents into his new greenhouse. His collector’s passion became so strong, that he quits smoking in order to gain money for buying new plants.
On the beginning of the 80 of the last century also Milos’s son Tomas began to contribute to the family collection of the cacti. First of all with his interest only, later he brought something more of knowledge of the cactus’ alphabet.
Within some time also Milos’ wife Anna Dubnova involved herself into the work around collecting plants. The sharpness of the cactus’ thorn even his grandchildren Tomas and Natalie have got to know.
In 1991 – 1998 came the hobbies post communistic phase-out in our greenhouse. The company began with growing vegetables and there was no time left for cactuses. Revival came up in 1999, when we started with sowing new plants with certificate of origin. At the same time the assortment has increased and the quantity of “commercial “cactuses for traders. There is a fact, which testifies the growth of the company; in 2002 we grew the cacti on the area of 600 m². That area grew until now up to2000 m². We became to be the largest cacti greenhouse not only in The Czech and Slovak Republic, but even in the whole middle Europe probably. We are busy with growing cacti for collectors ( Ariocarpus, Astrophytum, Echinocactus, Sulcorebutia, Tephrocactus and some other genus even cristatus and without chlorophyll forms). In present we are quite intensively busy with interbreeding Astrophyts. We are also growing undemanding cacti, thus suitable for beginners and traders. Apart from cacti we can offer succulents and succulent bonsai.
You can visit our greenhouse at any time however it would be better after a phone agreement.
ORNAMENTAL TREES AND SHRUBS, WITCHES‘ BROOM, CARNIVOROUS PLANT: Since 2007 we increased the assortment of the ornamental trees and shrubs including grafted witches’ broom and plants on a caraway. From carnivorous plants we are growing approximately 10 kinds of cultivated variety of genus Dionea, saracenia, Drosera and Nepentes.
If you have any question please, contact us.